Adult & Family Courses

Dr. Jones is now certified in health coaching for adults/kids, new moms, pregnant patients, and those seeking pregnancy in Houston, Texas. She is so excited to share this knowledge with her patients and others in the community. She is very passionate on this topic because she has been on her own personal nutrition journey which started in 2011, and wants to help potential clients learn that this is not a fad or diet, but a lifestyle change. Her certification is through the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute, and is based on the L.E.A.N. Start Program, one designed by Dr. William Sears himself.

What is the L.E.A.N Start Program?

The L.E.A.N Start Program is a comprehensive 6 hour nutrition program delivered in either 60 minutes or three 120 minutes sessions held weekly to help adults and families reach their optimal level in the four pillars of health:

  • Lifestyle: How you live
  • Exercise: How you move
  • Attitude: How you think
  • Nutrition: How you eat

What Does L.E.A.N Mean?

Lean means having the right percentage of body fat for your individual body type. Lean does not mean thin or skinny, it means being strong, healthy, and having the appropriate amount of muscle for our skeletal frame.

It is important to start healthy eating as a child, because an obese a child becomes an obese adult, and at increased risk of diabetes and hypertension. The child that grows up lean has the advantage of interpreting leanness as normal, and weight gain as abnormal.

As parents, it is essential that we teach our children the proper ways to eat and grow strong as well as ourselves, which can be done through the LEAN Start Program.

L.E.A.N Start Program Overview

Within the sessions, you will learn more about nutrition, and how it effects your physical and mental wellbeing. We will also share quick recipes and information on how to progressively move toward living your best life.

During 6 (1 hour) or 3 (2 hour) coaching sessions you will learn about the following:

  • Session 1: Traffic Light Eating
  • Session 2: Brainy Breakfasts and Healthy Carbs
  • Session 3: Veggies and Fruits
  • Session 4: The Skinny on Fat
  • Session 5: Power Up with Protein and Play
  • Session 6: Watering Your Growing Child and Evaluation

What is the cost?

  • Group Sessions: $30 per session (Total is $180 for all 6 sessions)
  • Individual session: $45 per session (Total is $270 for all 6 sessions)

What other additional options are available?

Pantry Makeover ($50 per hour): This involves Dr. Jones coming to your home, analyzing your pantry, and providing you with healthier options. This is a great exercise to review reading ingredient lists, and learning how to chose healthier options.

Grocery Shopping Experience ($100 per session): Dr. Jones will accompany you to the grocery store, and assist with picking proper nutrition for your family. This will also solidify what you have learned in your sessions especially Traffic Light Eating.


Hours of Operation

Monday, Wednesday
8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Tuesday, Thursday
8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Friday - Sunday